實用新型專利號:ZL 2009 2 0140978.2 中國發明專利號: 95120925.6 科學技術成果鑒定證書:編號(94)桂藥科鑒字09號 |
5型.6型產品拆洗方法 | 2型產品拆洗方法 | 問題解答 | 產品銷售信譽卡 | |||
企業名稱己變更為:南寧卓康微小水科技有限公司 ---法人代表:陸 江 (總經理) 企業名稱:南寧卓康微小水科技有限公司 您可向以下本公司法人代表 陸 江的帳戶匯款,到帳更快捷,3分鐘后到帳,匯款當天可發貨。 本公司經營已經23年,對用戶高度負責,大量用戶治愈后口碑相傳。請放心匯款。銀行均免收匯費。 一、工商銀行 (南寧市秀安支行):商友卡:955888 210200016 7630。戶名:陸 江 二、建設銀行:6214 9933 7366 6838。戶名:陸 江 ----建設銀行南寧高新支行(港澳臺和境外人士可直接匯入外幣) :6217 0033 7001 4808 461 。戶名:陸 江 三、農業銀行(南寧友愛支行):6228 4808 3884 1782 777。戶名:陸 江 四、興業銀行南寧分行營業部:6229 0855 3008415517.戶名:陸 江 陸江手機號即微信號13768308380,加微信好友后,現從微信轉帳每天只能在5000元以內。故從銀行轉帳較好。 注意: 一、從上述銀行匯款之前通過電話聯系,匯款之后,匯款人應在30分鐘內,最好發手機短信,不會發短信的老人,可打電話給收款人,告知匯款人或收件人的地址、姓名和匯款額及匯出的銀行,以便當天就能郵寄產品給匯款人。收短信的手機號為:13768308380,接到以上信息后,該手機回復一個短信,說明匯款和地址已收到,使匯款人放心。 二、顧客從郵局匯款時,應在電話欄內填寫自己的手機號,因為現在送快遞到您家樓下,快遞員要打收件人的手機,如只寫座機,他打了電話沒人接,說明收件人去買菜了,他就不去送了。快遞員送到您家樓下,他要打收件人的手機,讓收件人下樓取,因為快遞員的車上裝滿東西,他不能離開,否則丟失快遞件,他要負責任! 三、顧客指定要求釆用某快遞公司時,郵資由顧客承擔,即當產品投送到顧客家之后由顧客自付,現一般需費用30至120元。若由本公司發快遞時,顧客購二型.五型每個預付費用30元,六型預付40元。陜西省西安市附近,二.五型預付35元,六型45元。東北三省二.五型預付35元,六型45元。新疆、內蒙客戶均不預付,一般需60-120元。 ---個人從郵局匯款,匯費率為1%,寫清楚匯款人的地址、姓名、手機號,如無手機號,快遞和郵局均不投遞,我公司無法發出郵件或快遞。 問:怎樣辦理郵購手續? |
The company has invented a product that converts ordinary water into water of differential molecular mass. It cures many patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes, and breast cancer. Now it is treating brain cancer, prostate cancer and other cancers. In recent years, hundreds of cases of hepatocellular and bladder cancer have been treated by intravenous drip of micro-molecular weight water in Shanghai Second Military Medical University. However, a person's hospitalization fee is 2,000 yuan per day, and needs 360,000 yuan for half a year, which the common people can not afford. Because of our company's medical practice of inventing products, it has been proved that drinking water of low molecular weight to patients can enlarge and strengthen thymus and spleen, produce a large number of immune cells, greatly improve immunity, effectively fight and treat early and middle cancer. Unprecedented treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and breast cancer. See the case (Note 1), it has occupied the world's medical commanding heights, exceeding the level of hospital drug treatment, hospitals are difficult to rely on drug treatment of these chronic cell dehydration diseases. Investors who have a Wechat relationship with Lujiang are setting up health management centers in Chongming Island, Shanghai and New York, USA,(Note 2) to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases with micro-molecular water. For patients with diabetes and early cancer, our company decided to set up a health management center to directly drink micro-molecular water treatment. To guide rational drinking, reasonable diet and low fees, so that patients with middle and early stage cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes can recover. Welcome the investment and cooperation of the world's loving people. Please contact lj@nnzl.com, Lujiang 2019-9-19 for contract agreement matters such as annual interest rate on investment.
南寧卓康微小水科技有限公司 -------- 南寧卓康微小水科學研究所 生產經營和郵購地址: 南寧市秀廂大道東段 55 號 7-102 郵 編 :530001 聯系人 : 陸 江 陸慎嵐 高麗霞 電話: 0771-3937093,2233213, 2233212 , 手機:13768308380,13877173103 |